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Home / Poker / EPT Prague High Roller: Final day updates

• ENTRIES: 16 of 259, with 64 re-entries | MAIN EVENT COVERAGE
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12:45pm: Big river action sees Dvoress double
Level 21 – Blinds 10,00/20,000 (BB ante 20,000)

Watch out, watch out, Daniel Dvoress is about. The diminutive Canadian has a big stack worth about 1.3 million now after picking off a big river bluff from Michael Addamo.

The board read J63AK and Dvoress led for 165,000 from the big blind before Addamo set him all-in. Dvoress used a time bank, figured it out, and called all-in for 534,000 with A4. Addamo dropped to 545,000 after he opened Q3. –MC

12:39pm: Carrel crumbled
Level 21 – Blinds 10,000/20,000 (BB ante 20,000)

Nine minutes of play into the day and we’ve lost another player.

Charlie Carrel jammed for 196,000 with 77, only for Tomas Paiva to wake up with KK and shove himself with the bigger stack.

The kings held after the 2449Q board, and Carrel was out. Paiva is on 425,000 now.

“GG guys,” he said as he went to the payout desk. With 16 left, it’s time for a redraw. –JS

12:35pm: Demircan downed
Level 21 – Blinds 10,00/20,000 (BB ante 20,000)

Serdar Demircan was the first player to bust today after some unfortunate timing.

He moved all-in for 370,000 from the hijack and was snapped off by Michael Addamo in the big blind.

Addamo: AK
Dermircan: A5

The board ran Q3A3J and Addmano moved up to around 1.2 million. –MC

12:30pm: Cards in then air
Level 21 – Blinds 10,000/20,000 (BB ante 20,000)

They’re off and running. Stick with us all day as we play down to a champion. –JS

12pm: 18 to 1 and half a million Euros
Level 21 – Blinds 10,000/20,000 (BB ante 20,000)

It’s a pretty simple play for today. We have 18 players remaining and we need to give one of them a big, shiny, new trophy and just over half a million Euros. As you can see from the table below, Jasper Meijer Van Putten – Main Event Champion from two years ago – has the chip lead and will quite fancy balancing up his mantlepiece with another EPT Prague trophy. His has a ton of poker talent chasing him though and all are freed up by the fact that they’re already in the money and guaranteed €27,130.

It promises to be a great way to see off the festival and the year. Cards will be in the air at 12:30pm so join us back here shortly. –MC

Name Country Chips
Jasper Meijer van Putten Netherlands 2,297,000
Henrik Hecklen Denmark 1,512,000
Niall Farrell UK 1,404,000
Alexandre Reard France 1,133,000
Max Silver UK 921,000
Michael Addamo Australia 815,000
Ole Schemion Germany 702,000
Danny Tang Hong Kong 696,000
Daniel Dvoress Canada 622,000
Dimitar Yosifov Bulgaria 480,000
Simon Mattson Sweden 419,000
Anton Yakuba Russia 392,000
Jan Nader Zadeh UK 388,000
Serdar Demircan Sweden 370,000
Bahram Chobineh Iran 350,000
Hon Cheong Lee Hong Kong 282,000
Tomas Paiva Portugal 211,000
Charlie Carrel UK 97,000

EPT Prague table

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PokerStars Blog reporting team on the €10,300 High Roller: Marc Convey and Jack Stanton. Photography by Manuel Kovsca.

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