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With all of the tournament reports on the PokerStars blog covering the Sunday majors and the new TCOOP series, there is a lot of talk about smashing guarantees. Not to brag, but it’s something the women of PokerStars do every week with the Women’s Sunday. When the event started last year, its original $7K guarantee was so regularly covered that organizers raised it up to $10K. And women regularly push that out of the way for a larger prize pool.

This week was no exception. A solid field made the $10K guarantee look small in comparison to the actual prize pool. Should the registration numbers continue to grow as they did in the last month of 2011, this year could see another jump in the guarantee. It’s all up to you!

With that, let’s look at today’s numbers:

Total players: 281
Prize pool: $14,050.00
Paid finishers: 45

Representing Team PokerStars Online was Adrienne “talonchick” Rowsome, who wasn’t long for the tournament, she entered as a bounty with $50 on her head. And she exited within the first hour. Into the second hour, Team PokerStars Pro Ana Marquez left the party in 105th place. Still going strong as the money bubble approached, though, was Team Pro Liv Boeree.

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The money bubble burst with the elimination of pickpocketb in 46th place, and the last 45 players were guaranteed at least $84.30 for their efforts. StarlingC, pervuy19870, and rcgs59 led the way to the virtual cashier cage as the first ones to cash out. Ms. Boeree exited a few spots later in 38th place.

The tournament was reduced to only two tables just before the three-hour mark, and play was moving rather quickly. Only ten minutes later, 12 players remained, and the eliminations of Mopsi10 in 12th place and roxieforu05 in 11th started hand-for-hand play.

Soon after, Alertaaa! pushed all-in from the small blind with A♦ 9♣ , and CunciPoker called from the big blind holding K♣ 3♣ . The flop of 3♦ 8♣ Q♣ gave CunciPoker the pair, and that was all it took with a 5♠ turn and 4♥ river to win and eliminate Alertaaa! in tenth place with $210.75.

CunciPoker catapults into final table lead

The last hand gave CunciPoker the chip lead going into action at the last table. In the last minutes of Level 18, with blinds at 2,000/4,000 and a 400 ante, all starting stacks were listed as follows:

Seat 1: Kalamit_Jane (68,346 in chips)
Seat 2: CunciPoker (200,501 in chips)
Seat 3: fournz (74,630 in chips)
Seat 4: susan63nl (156,100 in chips)
Seat 5: Femmeonfelt (39,160 in chips)
Seat 6: Liza_plus_EV (143,257 in chips)
Seat 7: rocknrollem (59,960 in chips)
Seat 8: bugatti1992 (63,096 in chips)
Seat 9: HUSTLheR0 (37,950 in chips)

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As CunciPoker continued to climb, second place Liza_plus_EV and third place susan63nl lost ground. Over the next level, Liza_plus_EV made a comeback, though. Play was very cautious overall. HUSTLheR0 was working a very short stack and did double through CunciPoker to stay alive. Fournz then tripled up, and she seemed to take charge.

Fournz flourishes

The hand after Fournz saved her own tournament life, she got involved in a big hand. It started with a raise from Liza_plus_EV and all-in call from rocknrollem for 8,160. HUSTLheR0 then reraised all-in for 28,700, and fournz came over the top all-in for a total of 119,730. Liza_plus_EV folded, and they turned up these cards:

fournz: A♠ A♥
HUSTLheR0: J♣ J♥
rocknrollem: 4♣ 4♠

The board came 10♠ 8♥ 7♥ 10♣ 8♣ to eliminate rocknrollem in ninth place with $245.87 and HUSTLheR0 in eighth with $337.20.

Fournz then took a pot worth 75K from CunciPoker to get within striking distance of the chip lead. Susan63nl grabbed a few chips from fournz, though, to get comfortable in third place. Liza_plus_EV doubled through CunciPoker to jump into second place, putting fournz in first. Kalamit_Jane then doubled through bugatti1992 to stay in action. (Hope you’re keeping track!)

CunciPoker made a comeback when Femmeonfelt pushed all-in with J♥ J♣ and CunciPoker called with 8♥ 8♠ . The very first card on the flop was 8♣ for the set of eights, and the rest of the board came K♣ 7♥ 6♦ K♦ to make a full house. Femmeonfelt exited in seventh place with $477.70.

Bugatti1992 doubled through fournz. Then, Liza_plus_EV doubled through CunciPoker to take the lead with this hand:

RSS readers click through to see replay

A few hands later, Kalamit_Jane made another move, this time with K♣ K♠ . Bugatti1992 was there with 6♦ 6♥ but made a full house on the 3♣ Q♥ 9♠ 6♠ 9♥ board. Kalamit_Jane was out in sixth place with $618.20.

Susan63nl finds strength

When CunciPoker risked her stack of just less than 90K with A♠ 6♣ , susan63nl called from the small blind with A♦ J♠ . The board brought nothing of significance with 3♦ 3♠ K♠ 4♣ 9♥ , and susan63nl won with the better kicker. CunciPoker left in fifth place with $800.85.

Shortly thereafter, bugatti1992 made her move with 4♣ 4♥ preflop, and susan63nl called, again from the small blind, with 7♠ 7♥ . The board came 2♣ 10♦ 5♣ A♠ 2♥ , and bugatti1992 had to depart in fourth place with $1,159.12.

Three to a deal

Fournz then doubled through Liza_plus_EV. And the final three players decided to pursue a deal. None of them seemed quite sure how to accomplish it, but they all sat out until a moderator sent them in the right direction. It was into Level 25 when they finally found a host to assist in the deal-making process, and the three players agreed to split the prize money three ways, with $2,100.52 going to chip leader susan63nl, and $2,100.51 each for fournz and Liza_plus_EV.

They didn’t want to continue play, but the host reminded them that they needed to complete the action. They quickly got to it.

The very next hand saw fournz push all-in for 260,599 chips. Susan63nl called, and Liza_plus_EV called all-in for 175,956.

susan63nl: K♥ J♦
fournz: 4♦ 4♣
Liza_plus_EV: 10♥ 10♦

The board provided 8♣ Q♣ 5♠ 10♠ 9♣ , leaving susan63nl to scoop all of the chips with a king-high straight. Liza_plus_EV finished in third place, fournz in second, and susan63nl took the title to go with her $2,100.52.


Women’s Sunday Results for 01/22/12 (reflecting three-way deal):

1st place: susan63nl ($2,100.52)*
2nd place: fournz ($2,100.51)*
3rd place: Liza_plus_EV ($2,100.51)*
4th place: bugatti1992 ($1,159.12)
5th place: CunciPoker ($800.85)
6th place: Kalamit_Jane ($618.20)
7th place: Femmeonfelt ($477.70)
8th place: HUSTLheR0 ($337.20)
9th place: rocknrollem ($245.87)

*Three players agreed to the chop.

There are many ways to get in on the Women’s Sunday action. Take a look at the home page for information on daily satellites. And join us on Facebook for news and monthly freerolls, and Twitter for the latest information. See you next week!

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