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How to play Kalooki 40: Rules, Scores and Closing

March 7, 2023

Kalooki 40 is a popular European card game, and in recent times, the format has become one of the most played variants of Standard Rummy.

From family gatherings to live and online tournaments, Kalooki 40 has proven a big hit with players. The success of the game lies in its simplicity. Read on to find out more.


To play Kalooki 40, you need two decks of classic French cards, including the two Jokers on each side, so a total of 108 cards are available.

The dealer on duty will have to distribute 13 cards to each player, from a minimum of two up to a maximum of six participants. Players can play individually or as part of a team. Before starting the game, one card should be turned over which will form the first of the “discard pile”.

The player to the dealer’s left will be first in turn and will have to draw from the remaining deck or collect the card from the well. However, this is conditioned only on whether the player “opens” with at least 40 combination points.


As its name would suggest, 40 is the target number in Kalooki 40. To achieve the 40 points or more necessary to open the game, players must first learn the scores of various cards. It’s worth noting that these scores will also be used to count the points left in hand at the end of the game.

  • All cards from 2 to 10 have their number value (e.g., 2 is worth 2 points, 3 is worth 3 and so on).
  • All court cards are worth 10 points.
  • The Ace is worth 1 if used in the position within a low scale. However, if used at the end of a high scale (after the King), in a set or at the end of the round, the Ace will be worth 11 points.
  • The Joker is worth 25 when in hand and will take the value of the card it replaces within a meld.


“Opening” is defined as the moment in which a player decides to place some of his combinations on the table. It is mandatory to draw from the discard pile as well as to be able to “bind” some cards to the combinations of the other opponents in the game.

To be able to “open”, the player must have a series of combinations to obtain a total of at least 40 points.

For example, with a three of a kind, we have 30 points (10 x 3 court cards), so it could be sufficient to join a straight from 3 to 5 (3 + 4 + 5 = 12), this would therefore give a total of 42 points for the opening.


There are several types of melds in the game, of which they can be divided into a “series” or “straight”.

A “series” is a meld of at least three cards of the same value but of different suits. For example, a King of hearts, a King of spades and a King of diamonds.

A “scale” is a combination of cards in sequence of the same suit. In this scenario, there is a minimum of three cards up to a maximum of 13, plus the possibility of a wild card.


The ultimate goal of Kalooki 40 is to “go out” (run out of cards first). At the point the last card is discarded into the pile, the winning player then counts the number of points left in the hands of remaining players. Depending on the number decided at the start of the game, the winning player is either awarded a score of 0 or -20. The other players total up the scores of their remaining hand.

Usually an “exit score” is agreed before the game, e.g. the maximum number of points after which that player is eliminated from the game. The maximum is usually 101 or 201, but these limits can be raised to allow everyone to play for longer. As a general rule, the only player left in the game after all others have surpassed the decided maximum score, wins.